Article: Squad Lists!!!

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This page references a News Article from KSI.


As you read this right now the squad lists are being done right now, at last! There is a 48 hour deadline now, to get your squadlist in so it can be seen in the members list. If your late, you'll have to wait till the next update. So Squad Leaders, get in your squad list, and everyone else, remind your squad leaders to get your squad lists in! Also note, if you have already sent in your squad lists, feel free to send in another, updated one!

I will also remind of the minimum required format of your list: Gamertag / Rank in KSI. If you have previously sent in your squad list, be sure to record who has left your squad or gotten a transfer, or been blacklisted. I also urge you to keep a list for yourself, so you can see when people leave the clan unexpectedly.

Thank-you very much, KSI Chiefaus out.

[Submitted by KSI Chiefaus]

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Chiefaus 7

Publish Date: Monday 27 June 2005 - 02:16:11

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