Article: Regiment Wars
Introduction We are going to divide our squad into 3 even teams. The purpose of this is to add yet another dimension to clan competition. The captains organize their squads and take care of administrative business such as submitting challenges and reporting the results. This will be really good practice and I hope new strategies evolve. After the teams have been selected, captains and their teams will think of a cool name that will represent them!
Challenge Procedure
The captains from each regiment are responsible for setting up the matches. As of right now, the procedure for setting up a match will be as follows:
- Post a challenge under the Regiment Wars thread in the forums.
- The challenging captains gets to specify the details of the match.
- This should include game type, game settings, map, # of players, # of games (i.e. best out of 3) and a time period (date and times that you would prefer to play).
- The captain of the winning team (or whomever he designates) must repost the results of the matches in the Regiment Wars board. These will then be recorded on the main web site and the standings updated.
Other Information
- New members to the clan will be assigned to a regiment within two weeks of joining. These two weeks will give the staff members a chance to evaluate your abilities and which regiment you will fit into best.'
Teabagging is allowed if both teams understand that it is a joke and not meant to be offensive!
Thanks for TDC for the help! [Submitted by KSI Elite]
Additional Info
Written by: KSI SEVEN 7
Publish Date: Thursday 16 June 2005 - 00:48:17
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