KSI Wiki:Ranks

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KSI Global Gaming Network has used various ranks throughout its history, some of which have evolved or been retired. This page documents all known ranks and their descriptions, categorized by the years they were in use.

Clan Operations

Senior Director(SNR)

Unknown Year

An Accomplished Director in KSI that has displayed outstanding leadership skills.

Rank Description: With oversight from the Operations Director and Executive Director, the Senior Director team's main duty is to manage the daily operations of the Clan Ops side of the KSI Global Gaming Network. The Senior Directors are the first line of senior leaders charged with managing the overall development of the community in all aspects of Clan Operations.

Rank Responsibilities

Managing the Directors, and ensuring that their divisions are being represented properly and are maximizing their potential. Choosing which Directors represent which Division. Ensuring KSI policy is being enforced and encouraged at all levels (CoC, SOP's, Structures, etc). Attending Division Leader and Director meetings. Opening, closing and merging Divisions. Handling issues brought to them by the Division Leaders or Directors. After deliberation and review promoting Directors. Training Division Leaders and Directors on community management. Reports Directly To: Operations Director


Unknown Year

Reserved for a Division Leader that has overseen a successful division split / has displayed outstanding leadership skills in the Division Leader rank

Rank Description: Directors oversee 2-4 Divisions, They are not a member of these divisions but assist in the development of the Division Staff and assist the Division Leader in operating a successful division. They are the liaison from the Divisions to the Senior Director staff.

Rank Responsibilities

Must be aware of the daily operations of their divisions. Approving transfers between their divisions. Attending their divisions meetings. Overall responsible for ensuring CMS is updated in regards to their respective divisions. Being a resource of knowledge and advice for the leaders under their supervision. Training and developing the leaders of their division staff. With consent of a Senior Director, may demote and promote Division Leaders. Responsible for the growth and sound structure of their divisions. Educating and enforcing KSI policy with the leaders in their division. Active on the KSI forums and Discord. Enforcing website and Discord activity in their divisions. Reports Directly To: Senior Directors

Division Leader(DIV LEAD)

Unknown Year

Reserved for a Co-Division Leader or Founder that has displayed outstanding leadership skills and has gone through the training in each rank to be familiar with running a division. Must be aware of how to use KSI CMS and has overseen a minimum of 2 Squad Splits within their division

Rank Description: Highest divisional rank. A Division Leader is charged with the overall structure, development and growth of their division. They must be a role model and authority to the leaders of under them in their division. A Division Leader is the representative of their division to the rest of the community and must act with professionalism and maturity. Division Leaders are in a position to ensure that the proper and positive culture is being developed in their division.

Rank Responsibilities:

Promotion of all division staff positions inside their division (Co-Founder, Founder and Co-Division Leader). Final authority on squad openings, closings and merges. Training of Divisional Staff. Day to day operations of their division. Enforcing the KSI Code of Conduct, Structure and Standard Operating Procedures with their members. Teaching the KSI traditions and value to the members of their division. Ensuring their division is active on the KSI forums and Discord. Ensuring their Co-Founders are updating the Divisions CMS on a regular basis. Hosting and managing the weekly division meeting. Making sure quality recruitment and squad development is being done by both division and squad staff. Reports Directly To: Directors

Co-Division Leader(CO-DIV LEAD)

Unknown Year

Reserved for a Founder that has shown maximum activity and involvement in their division. Must be aware of how to use KSI CMS, and have overseen a minimum of 2 Squad Splits within their division.

Rank Description: The Co-Division Leader acts as the right hand to the Division Leader and assists in the daily operations of the Division. When the Division Leader is not present, the Co-Division Leader runs the division in their absence. The Co-Division Leader is the second in command of the division and focuses on making sure proper training and procedure is being carried out within their division.

Rank Responsibilities

Supervises squad splits. Training of Founders and Co-Founders (Squad development, officer training, website activity, leadership fundamentals, etc). Encouraging website and Discord activity in their division. Supervision of squad teams and programs. Supervising the operations of the the Founders and Co-Founders. With the approval of the Division Leader, promoting Generals and Co-Founders. Training and learning to be a Division Leader. Needs to be active on KSI forums and Discord, as well as checking their divisions CMS on a regular basis. Reports Directly To: Division Leader


Unknown Year

Reserved for a Co-Founder that has shown Maximum Activity and involvement in their division. Must be aware of how to use KSI CMS, and have overseen a minimum of 1 Squad Split within their division.

Rank Description: Founders are the middlemen of the divisional staff. They assist the Division and Co-Division Leaders with the daily operations of the division by being in communication with the leadership of the squads officers and being aware of the day to day status of the squads under their purview. In medium to large sized divisions, Founders usually oversee and manage 2 Co-Founders each.

Rank Responsibilities

Supervising the Co-Founders under them and holding them responsible for the development of their respective squads. Training Majors, Generals and Co-Founders. First line in the Chain of Command for divisional staff. Creation and management of division wide teams and programs. Event coordinator for division (tournaments, contests, division game nights, crowns, etc). Division section moderator for the forums and Discord. Enforcing CMS updates with the Co-Founders and Generals. Encourage website activity on the squad level. Holding weekly workshops for the squads of the division. Reports Directly To: Co-Division Leader and Division Leader


Unknown Year

Reserved for a General that has completed a successful squad split and has completed the proper training to advance into Division Staff.

Rank Description: Co-Founders act as a director of 1-2 squads inside the division. They assist the Generals in the day to day operations of the squads. The Co-Founders work with the Generals and Founders of the division to ensure the sustained growth of the squads they oversee.

Rank Responsibilities

Assisting the General and Majors in running and maintaining a successful squad. With the approval of the Founder and Division Leader, promoting Generals and Majors. Ensuring the squad officers under their supervision are completing their weekly duties (meetings, recruitment, etc). Training Generals/Majors/Captains in the CoC, Rank Structure, SOP's, website usage, and leadership fundamentals. Ensuring there squads CMS is updated on a weekly basis. Encouraging activity on the KSI forums and Discord. Ensuring training is being done with the squad level ranks from SGT to General. Making sure squad activities are being done and promoted the correct way to ensure maximum participation. First line of leadership to ensure proper squad development (proper recruiting, chemistry building, teamwork, etc). Their squads representative to the senior divisional staff. Keeping their Founders and Division leaders updated on the status and progress of their squads. Sources of knowledge and advice to the leaders in the squads they oversee. Reports Directly To: Founders


Unknown Year

Reserved for a Major that has undergone the proper training, and displays maximum activity and involvement within their squad.

Rank Description: General is one of the most important ranks in KSI. They are the role model of leadership to the members of their squad. They are integral to the creation, development and growth of a squad, which is the foundation to the entire KSI community. They are charged with training the first level of leadership in the community, leaders that will one day be running their own squads and divisions. Only the most trusted and potential filled leaders become Generals in the community. Most importantly, they are charged to uphold the KSI standard within in their squad which is a fun, safe and educational environment.

Rank Responsibilities

Training and developing the officers in their squad. Creating and enforcing the squad schedule (Game nights, meetings, events) that is done each week. Maintains the squad tag. Removing fluff, putting out important information, and updating the tag as needed. Updating the squads CMS on a daily basis to ensure an accurate and complete number count. Must attend and host all squad meetings. Training and developing the Major to achieve the rank of General. Promoting and demoting the officers in their squad( LT's, CPT's, Major). Ensuring squad chemistry is being developed via game lobbies and parties. Staying active in their squad and constantly communicating with their member base and officer staff. Enforcing proper recruiting, and encouraging squad growth at all levels. Strive to create and maintain a positive environment for the members of their squad. Enforcing website activity. Making sure proper training is being conducted at levels within their respective squad. Holding their officers accountable for the development of their squad and the progress of their growth. Passing on the many values and traditions of KSI to the members in their squad. Reports Directly To: Co-Founder


Unknown Year

Reserved for an Officer that has displayed maximum activity and involvement in their squad.

Rank Description: Major's are essentially Generals-in-training. They are the second in command in the squad, and act as the General's right hand. The Major is poised to be the next General after a proper squad split is complete, meaning that a Major must be trained and developed properly and must be dedicated to being a successful leader in the community from the moment they are promoted.

Rank Responsibilities

Ensuring the CPT's and LT's are fulfilling their duties each day. Assisting the General in creating and hosting events for their squad. Training of the LT's and CPT's. Enforcing KSI policy inside their squad. When the General is not available, the Major takes on the duties of the General. Assisting the General in the day to day operations of the squad. Must be active inside the squad and help develop the proper culture. Encourage and host squad game lobbies. Assures that all events, workshops and meetings are attended by as many squad members as possible. Takes meeting notes and attendance for squad meetings and posts them in the appropriate topic on the forums. Assists the General in updating and maintaining the CMS for their squad. Trains the officers in the squad on how to host game nights and workshops properly. Assists in the overall development and forward progress of all aspects in the squad. Reports Directly To: General


Unknown Year

Reserved for a Lieutenant that has displayed maximum activity and involvement in their squad.

Rank Description: Captains act as the senior officers in a squad and thus they must have an acceptable level of knowledge pertaining to KSI policy and tradition. Captains are a vital part in squad leadership and squad growth. They act as resources of knowledge and experience for the newer members and LT's of a squad.

Rank Responsibilities

Organize the activities of the squad in relation to the squads weekly schedule created by the Major and General. Ensures that the Lieutenants and Sergeants below them are active and trained properly to know their roles within the squad. Assists in getting as many members as possible to attend squad events, meetings and activities. When online encourages members to take part in game lobbies and expanding the chemistry within the squad, Training SGT's on the first steps of being a leader in KSI. Making sure proper and responsible recruiting is being done by all members. Making sure that proper recruitment and leadership training is being conducted regularly in the squad. Must be active consistently on the KSI forums and Discord and encourage/enforce members to do the same. Enforcing that recruiting, and in turn growth, is being done in the squad. Training members of the squad on how to use the KSI websites effectively. Organizing game nights outside of the mandated squad schedule. Learn and understand the various KSI policy and rules (rank structure, CoC, SOP's) Teaching the lower ranks how KSI is broken down(squads, Divisions, programs, teams, departments). Reports Directly To: Major and General

  • NOTE: Each Squad is permitted to have FOUR Captain positions. The duties and responsibilities of each Captain position is determined by the General and Major of the squad.


Unknown Year

Reserved for a Sergeant that has completed all Officer Training Workshops/Tests and has displayed maximum activity and involvement in their squad.

Rank Description: Lieutenants are the direct line of communication between the senior squad officers and the SGT's, CPL's and PVT's. They act as the leadership to the lower ranks and members of the squad. They help assist the Captains carry out their duties mandated by the Major and General of the squad.

Rank Responsibilities

Ensuring a line of communication between the leadership of the squad and the lower ranked members. Training SGT's, PVT's and CPL's on proper and established recruiting methods. Recruiting members properly into the squad. Informing the lower ranked members how the squad operates in terms of events, activities and meetings. Enforcing attendance to all squad activities and events to the lower ranking members. Training and explaining to the lower ranks the KSI Code of Conduct and Rank Structure. Enforcing the proper uniform among the members of the squad(bio, location, etc). Making sure recruitment in the squad is done properly. Ensuring that once a member is recruited they are integrated into the squad and develop relationships with other members. Hosting game lobbies on a regular basis to strengthen squad chemistry. Must be active on the KSI forums and discord, and encourage other members to do so as well. Begin to learn the KSI traditions and ways of operation. Encourage members engage with one another. Assist with developing the lower ranks on the polices and leadership principles of KSI. Assisting the Captains on training the SGT's to be the next squad officers. Reports Directly To: Captains

  • NOTE: Each Squad is permitted to have FOUR Lieutenant positions. The duties and responsibilities of each Lieutenant position is determined by the General and Major of the squad.

Staff Sergeant/Master Sergeant(SSGT/MSGT)

Unknown Year

Reserved for a Sergeant who has shown enough dedication to community to start moving up the leadership ranks.

Rank Description: Staff Sergeants or Master Sergeants are the senior Sergeants of a squad who have been identified as members being prepared and trained to move up into the Officer Ranks. They report to the LT's and CPT's of a squad.

Rank Responsibilities:

Supervising the SGT's, CPL's and PVT's in recruiting. Tasked with hosting game lobbies and parties on Xbox or PSN. Enforcing the proper uniform to those under them. Assisting the Officers of Squad in hosting events and game nights. Assisting the Officer in tasks given from the General or Major. Getting the junior members signed up on the forums and Discord and teaching them how to operate the sites. Enforcing squad activity both on console and the KSI websites. The most important responsibility of SSGT's/MSGT's is they are overall responsible for making sure all new recruits are properly integrated into the squad. Meaning that new members are being invited to game lobbies or party chats, getting to know the other members of the squad. Reports Directly to: LT's.


Unknown Year

Reserved for a Corporal or Private that has changed their Gamertag to a KSI tag, and has been active in the squad since recruitment.

Rank Description: Sergeants are the life-blood of KSI, They are the first level of full membership in the community and are the future squad officers. Sergeants are the pride of KSI and the force behind low rank development.

Rank Responsibilities

Properly recruiting new members into the community. Staying active on the KSI forums and Discords, and encouraging new members to do so as well. Playing games with the PVT's and CPL's of the squad to embolden and emphasize the family based culture of the community. Maintaining the proper KSI uniform. Teaching recruited members on the ways and values of the KSI community. Attending squad events, activities and meetings. Hosting game lobbies with the new members of the squad. Teaching new members the value of proper recruiting and the value of being in a gaming community. Reports Directly To: Lieutenants


Unknown Year

Reserved for a Private that has been orientated into KSI, and has also been active since recruitment.

Rank Description: Corporal's are members of squad that have yet to change their gamertag to include KSI, but have shown interest in climbing the ranks of the community. Corporals are also identified by squad leadership as PVT's that show leadership potential.

Rank Responsibilities

Attending game nights and lobbies as well as squad meetings. Remain active on the KSI websites. Consistently is playing in game lobbies with fellow KSI squad members. Properly and consistently recruiting members into the squad. Reports Directly To: Sergeants and Lieutenants

Private First Class(PFC)

Unknown Year

Given to Privates that show promise as a member of the community and wishes to learn more about the leadership side of the community.

Rank Description: This rank is given to Privates that have shown they can be active in the squad, recruit and have signed up on the KSI websites.

Rank Responsibilities:

Properly recruiting members into the community. Attending squad meetings and game nights, and encourages other members to attend. Active within the squad, participating regularly in game lobbies and parties. Training new members in the Code of Conduct and KSi Values. Helping the CPL's and SGT's make sure new recruits are being integrated into the squad. Reports Directly To: SGT's, SSGT's/MSGT's.


Unknown Year

Given to new members of KSI.  Rank Description: The rank all new members of the community start out as until they determine what they wish their role to be in KSI. PVT's make up the vast majority of community, thus are integral to the sustained success of the community. Though it is encouraged to climb the ranks(as it offers the best KSI experience), there is nothing wrong for a PVT to remain at this rank and just participate in the organized gaming and content KSIprovides to it's members.

Rank Responsibilities

Participate in game lobbies held within the squad. Engage with other members of the squad through gaming. Attend game nights and squad activities. Properly recruiting members into the squad. Reports Directly To: Corporals and Sergeants


Unknown Year

Given to the newest members of KSI.

Rank Description: Reserved for the newest members of the community. Recruits are only promoted to Privates after they have received a full introduction to the community and have shown interest in being active within in the squad.

Rank Responsibilties:

Having a proper uniform on PSN or XBL. Learning the KSI Code of Conduct. Getting added to their Squads "Club" or "Squad Tag". Getting registered on the KSI Forums and Discord. Reports Directly To: CPL's and SGT's.

Web Operations

Head of AAP


Finalizes all applications whether they are Denied or Approved.

Can add or remove anyone to/or from the AAP that they feel needs to be for any reason.

The Head has the final say in all tiebreakers(ONLY).

Co-Head of AAP


Votes on all Nominations presented to the AAP

Takes over when the Head is not here.

Discusses all decisions that are made with the Head of the AAP before they are made.

Watches over all AAP staff to ensure that members are following KSI Code and Forum Rules.

Members of the AAP


Votes on all Nominations present.

Participates in the AAP department on a daily basis

Attends meetings held by the Head of the AAP