Article: Paradox Splits into Babylon!

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Paradox split into Babylon making this the 4th time that Paradox has produced a new squad. I sat down and asked some questions to our new Squad Leaders KSI Porky 7, who is over Paradox, and KSI Nyx 7, who is over Babylon; as well as the new Co-Founder KSI Dawn 7. We discussed what the road to split was like for them, how it has been after splitting, and what challenges might light ahead of them in the coming weeks.

KSI Dawn, Co-Founder, and former Squad Leader of Paradox

Discuss what the road to splitting was like for you.

It was a difficult split. We started out with staff but they all left. Porky came over from Arcane and from there we worked on building Paradox.  It definitely took longer than we wanted, but we worked hard and didn’t give up on it.  We basically had to rebuild from the ground up.

How have things been for you since the split?

It has been good.  I have been letting them get settled in first and let them figure out what they need to do for the first week so that they can be successful.  Taking a step back and letting them just shine for a bit.

What are you expecting to see out of the 2 squads?

To see schedules planned out and done.  Expecting to see what they are going to do and what their plans and goals are for going forward.

KSI Porky 7 Squad Leader of Paradox

Discuss what the road to splitting was like for you.

It was a pretty tough road.  When I first joined up as a Senior Officer it was a little rough trying to get everyone on the same page.  I lost the Senior Officer title and went down to Officer and got beat down a bit about it.  KSI Dawn was able to help me move forward,  through her leadership I was able to make the journey back to Senior Officer and help out Paradox as a joined team.  There were bumps in the road toward the end but as a team, we worked together to reach the common goal, and everyone succeeded.  If it wasn’t for the officer staff and KSI Dawn, I don’t think we would have been able to do any of this and I am excited to see what comes next.

How have things been for you since the split?

The first thing I did was get with all the officers so we could get together on day one and start figuring out our game plan to keep moving forward and hopefully split Paradox for the fifth time!  We are working on scheduling so that way we can get activities up and going and get meetings set up.  Something I learned from KSI Dawn is you have to meet in the middle and be level headed and work together as a unit.  The days going forward will be planning on what the game plan is from here.

Challenges that might lie ahead of you in the new role?

I have no concerns or see any challenges right now.  I have a lot of faith in the officers that I have in the squad and that I will be able to build the squad up and retain my members.  I will be stressing to the officers that if they are out there doing the work and grinding it out, I too will be right there beside them doing it with them and that they are not alone in this.  I will not ask them to do anything I won’t do either and will be there to help them along the way.  I want the officers to have a bright future within KSI and that it is a team effort and not just one person doing the work.

What are your goals for the squad going forward?

Long term goal would be to split for the fifth time and become a Co-Founder!  For a more inside the squad goal, the main thing is for everyone to have fun and enjoy being here and part of the squad and team.  I want to lead by example, I learned from past mistakes and will use that to make myself a better leader today.

KSI Nyx 7 Squad Leader of Babylon

Discuss what the road to splitting was like for you.

The road splitting was surprisingly quick. Less than a few weeks as a new officer in Paradox, we were talking of splitting. We built quickly and trained people even quicker. We were quickly running out of room and had to stack up multiple games a night with the amount of people wanting to help out

How have things been for you since the split?

Since the split, and since we found out who was going where officer wise, It has been a little slow paced considering we split one day ago, but the officers below me are plowing through things that need to get done. It took no time to get the squad schedule set and so forth. It’s been really nice, slow, and steady.

Challenges that might lie ahead of you in your new role?

Being “too nice”. I have been told this multiple times in my last run in KSI. I’m too friendly and I’m a very understanding and passionate person that cares for almost anyone. That will be my BIGGEST challenge, as well as not having that mentality of “do it yourself”. Ask Sophy.

What are your goals for the squad going forward?

Goals going forward are super easy. Recruiting, but recruiting and keeping that retention to get people involved. Training the officers I have under me to understand that once someone is recruited, it doesn’t stop there. But my other goal is getting a squad built, which was just as great when I first joined Babylon so many years ago.

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Ghoulina

Publish Date: 06/24/2024 10:40 PM

Featured People: KSI Dawn 7, KSI PORKY 7, KSI NyxWoulfe 7

Featured Pages: Paradox CR, Babylon CR, Chaos Remnants