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This page references a News Article from KSI.


We are working close together to end the fighting with all XBOX LIVE Clans to include PMS and MoB. Lets make the PEACE not for us but for gaming as a whole. KSI DOES NOT derank squads. We do not allow this behavior in KSI. If you are caught associating with people deranking, you will be blacklisted. KSI DOES NOT allow cheating. If you boost, bridge, circle boost, bridge for host, or any other means of altering the game, YOU WILL BE blacklisted. We have gone through 70% of the KSI members to find out which people are cheating. We will be finished by mid next week. We are also cleaning out people causing drama. So if you engage in any of these activities, you will be removed from KSI, and never let back in.

Additional Info

Written by: Written by unknown, Posted by KSI Ladyluck 7

Publish Date: Sunday 04 December 2005 - 23:04:55

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