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KSI KATSKILLS has been nominated for the member of the week.

KSI Katskills is currently a Clan Leader in KSI, who has been with us for 8 long and excruciating months. Currently she runs KSI Pinups Elite Unit, and helps manage KSI Pinups7, which are the female squads for KSI. Her view of KSI that she possess is as stated "I thinks its an awesome clan, its like having a large." "I'm so glad that I can say I belong to the largest clan on the xbox live console."

Katskills is a 26 years old female gamer, from Las Vegas, Nevada. She's been apart of the online gaming world for roughly nine months, and has enjoyed every moment of it. Her favorite game on the Xbox console is HALO 2, the best game out there. The game she played previous to Halo 2 was counterstrike, a game that is based upon unique tactics unlike HALO 2.The person who got her interested in playing video games was her boyfriend, who no longer plays.

A personal question that I asked her was, Who is your favorite person in KSI? She replied, KSI CROW... "I've known him since the days of counterstrike." "He's my champion."

When not playing HALO 2 you'll find her shopping at the local mall. Most likely a clothing store, such and her favorite stores Hollister and Victory Secrets. Some of her hobbies include, camping, four wheeling, and walking Tink, her Chihuahua.

Her profession: Currently she is an Oral surgical assistant, which she's been doing for about a year and a half now. She also is a part time student, attending CCSN a local community college. Her previous job, was a Representaive at Mary K, a beauty supply store.

Favorites list:

  • Favorite movie: Meet the Parents
  • Favorite food: Seafood, lobster, crabs, clams, and all other seafood
  • Favorite alcoholic beverage: Huff and Weisen (Pyramd beer)

Interesting Fact(s)

Her Astrological sign is a Capricorn...


  • KSI Mr Bingham...
  • KSI Katskills...
  • KSI Smurf7...
  • KSI Natas7...
  • KSI Kocky...

Thanks for your time... Enjoy the weekend... 11:00pm May 20th 2005 Finally my weekend starts...

[Submitted by KSI Mr Bingham]

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Mr Bingham

Publish Date: Saturday 21 May 2005 - 00:59:41

Featured People: KSI Katskills, KSI CROW, KSI Mr Bingham, KSI Smurf7, KSI NATAS 7, KSI KOCKY

Featured Pages: Pinup Girls