KSI Wiki:Official Squad Template

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This page is an Official KSI Wiki page.
Note: This template contains the phrases you will most commonly use. If you are UNSURE of any information, DO NOT guess. Only add information you are certain of.

Copy and paste the following code onto your wiki page, replace "INFO" with the relevant information, see the example below


<b>Squad Eras:</b> INFO

<b>Squad Games:</b> INFO

A squad belonging to [[InsertDivision]] followed by written info/history.

=Previous Leadership=



NOTE: Squads post-2023 have a slightly different format that includes the squad image in the main body of the history section here

This page references a squad in KSI.


Squad Eras: 2019

Squad Games: Modern Warfare

A squad belonging to [[Example Division]] in 2019. ExampleSquad never existed.

Previous Leadership


  • [[KSI ExampleDude 7]] 2019


  • [[KSI ExampleGirl]] - 10/10/19
