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This page references a News Article from KSI.

Article[edit | edit source]

KSI Global Gaming Network is proud to announce the next KSI TOURNAMENT on XBOX Live. This will be a 3 vs 3 Team Slayer. It will be best out of 3, with no swords or radar. Check out our poll and vote on which Maps we play the Tournament on. Prizes will be $ 100 gift certificate for each 1st place winner. KSI will only open this Tournament to KSI MEMBERS and friends of KSI, so if you have MOB in your gamer tag... sorry, but you are a black listed clan and you can�t play. TOURNAMENT WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 2005. PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY IN OUR FORUMS. TEAM NAME AND MEMBERS NAME. Knowledge Superiority Incentive.

-Team Slayer

-3 v. 3

-no mods or cheating

-3 most picked maps on poll when the tourney starts

-first to 50 kills

-12 minute time limit

-best of 3

-no sword, no overshield, no invisiblity

-Single elimination



Additional Info[edit | edit source]

Written by: KSI SEVEN 7

Publish Date: Tuesday 21 June 2005 - 18:25:24

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