Article: KSI Rise up
They Hit Again
First of all I would like to send my condolences out to London and all the people in Britain. Once again the terrorist hit us were it hurt. Today at approximately 9:00AM and 11:00AM, July 7, 2005. 7 bombs exploded in the subway system and on a bus in the city of London during rush hour. I would like to remind everyone to remember how much it hurt us when the terrorist struck our beautiful Twin Towers in New York September 11, 2001. As a KSI member it is time to rise up and do everything that is possible to fight back against the terrorists. How many more strong economies will they hit before they stop? How many people will have to lose there lives or there loved ones. How many people will have to lose there freedom to fight for yours. KSI the time is now go talk to your recruiters put the controller down and pick up a rifle and do it for your freedom and everybody else that had somebody injured or killed in the attacks on London and New York.
SGT Woody, Eric O.
US Army
KSI Kocky
Everyone please pray to any God to help. I don't care who or what you worship please pray for the world. many people cry at night because their child isn't there because of terrorism. If we all pray maybe someone will anwser our plee. I've live in a world of war to long! From 1990 to NOW there has been war and killing to fill the prime time news. CAN'T WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF PEACE?!?! Nothing but bad news has been in the world. Are we a people of war?? How much do i have to ask. Can't we have a period of time without war. I have notice that we as humans need war and killing. We thrive for the rush of war. We play halo and other games that are so real it's not funny. I don't understand it.... I don't
[Submitted by KSI Kocky]
Additional Info
Written by: KSI Kocky
Publish Date: Thursday 07 July 2005 - 09:00:20
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