Article: KSI Newsletter 12/7/24

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KSI Weekly Newsletter, Saturday December 7th, 2024

Graphics Team

Voting has begun for the Christmas graphic event and will run until the polls close on December 8th in #christmas-graphic-voting once voting is completed the winners will be announced and which graphic belongs to whom.

The Graphics Team would like to show its appreciation to each and everyone who has been patient with us as we continue to catch up on these requests. With holidays around the corner, starting 12/13/24 all graphics requests will be closed in order for us to complete the remainder of the requests in a timely manner. This is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to spend time with loved ones near and far. Graphics Request forums will reopen 1/2/25 with a fresh start. If you would like a profile picture or banner done please do so before 12/22/24. Any questions pertaining to this announcement, please reach out to G or XiledLOTUS. Thank you and Happy Holidays!~ The Graphics Team

Community Services

As we have grown we have seen a return of an old issue with the VCs so as a reminder for all members old and new, please do not make sleeping VCs on the server. Our VCs are to be utilized so members can hangout and game or be social not to sleep in. If you make a sleeping vc there is the possibility that you will be asked to remove the sleeping vc.

In addition please don't take tempo bots into locked VCs and when you are done using tempo disconnect the bot before leaving the vc so others can use it

In the member info area we now have a dedicated embed that shows our social media's links to make it easy to follow them. If you follow all three you might just get a special award from aap and a badge by your name. There's also an embed that lists the executive staff members and the directors so members can identify the community leadership and their positions within the community.

During the christmas season the community admins have set up a channel to watch christmas movies that streams them 24/7 feel free to stop by and watch a movie with each other.

Analytics Team Announcement

We would like to thank everyone who applied for the **Analytics** position. After a thorough review of all applications, we are pleased to announce that the positions have now been filled. We greatly appreciate the time and effort all candidates dedicated to the application process.

While we have selected two people for this role, we were impressed by the caliber of applicants and will keep all applications on file for future openings. We encourage you to stay connected with us for upcoming opportunities.

Special Announcements

Good Morning KSI Members  Today I would like to announce the opening of Hall of Fame Nominations for the Class of 2025. Every year, KSI wants to acknowledge our best and brightest members with our highest honour; being inducted into the Hall of Fame.  For those who were here for it last year, you might be familiar with the process, but I will be breaking it down for everyone as a reminder.  If you wish to submit a nomination of a fellow member into the Hall of Fame, you can do so right from this discord! But first, some of our most basic requirements for potential submissions.   -A minimum of 1 year in KSI, this does not need to be continuous. -Attained what has been considered a “Senior Leadership” in whatever area the member(s) have been operating in. -Has met the “Earning a 7” threshold -Has made a notable difference in the community in their respective areas of operations.**

If you have someone in mind you would like to nominate, all you need to do is type “/hofnom” (without quotations) and Discord will prompt you to fill out a submission with the following criteria (photo below for reference)

1. Nominee
2. Achievements
3. Why are you nominating them?
4. Time in KSI
5. Departments/Divisions**

Small disclaimer, there is about a 1% chance for an error happening for submissions, we do recommend if your nomination explanations are lengthy to type it up elsewhere and Copy/Paste into the required sections. Just in case!

Once submissions are in, our Hall of Fame Committee will painstakingly go through every submission and debate their merit. At the end of this process, if we are left with candidates who meet our threshold, we will announce the Hall of Fame Class 2025 in January. It is to be understood that there is the possibility that no candidates are chosen for this class, but with the amazing folks in the community both past and present, this outcome is not likely!

Hall of Fame Committee Roster

Chairman: KSI Raze Drake 7

Committee Members

KSI Cali 7
KSI PurpleHeart
KSI Uppish 7 
KSI Spider 7
KSI Viktory 7

If you have any questions about the Hall of Fame, the Committee or the Nomination process, you can contact any of the Committee Members, Linden or Rewster and we will gladly take the time to chat with you about it.

The submission deadline for nominations is January 6th, 2025. Submissions will be open 30 Days from today.

Thank you, and please have a wonderful Holiday Season from all of us at KSI Global Gaming.


Twisted Reality

  • Shanghai
  1. KSI Angxl - Officer > Senior Officer
  2. DrkRaven - Cadet > Officer
  3. KSI Demonix- Officer
  • Royalty
  1. Blazing_Eclipse - OFC
  3. KSI Adad 7 - OFC
  4. QueenScarlet210 - CDT
  5. HeruXen - CDT
  • Cosmic
  1. BoVii - OFC
  2. GabbaGhoul - OFC
  3. Hoshi - OFC
  4. Kuzo - CDT
  5. Jarvis - CDT
  • Nebula
  1. TheDiamondWolf76 - CDT
  • Karma
  1. Marcosthegod - officer
  2. Ozzy - Officer

Synthetic Reality

  1. KSI Kl0WnZy 7 to Co-Division Leader
  2. KSI Boreas 7 to Founder and earned their 7

Endless Onslaught

  • Nightmare EO
  1. Alextheraccon to Officer

Viking Horde Promotions

  • Oathbound VH
  1. MyNameIsFranks - Officer
  • Asgard VH
  1. AgentOfTheState - Cadet
  2. KSI Toxic - Cadet
  3. KSI Ziggy - Officer
  • Valkyrie VH
  1. Kitty_Momo - Senior Officer
  • Helheim VH
  1. Cr33pingD3ath - Officer
  • Xtinction VH
  1. Biddulph 7 - Officer

Infinite Anarchy Promotions

  • Chaos IA
  1. ! KSI Starry (iamst4rry) - Senior Officer
  • Mayhem IA
  1. KSI Abyzou 7 🐝 (itsbeelzebubx) - Squad Leader
  2. KSI Anarchy (mranarchy23) - Officer
  3. Coolman5076 (thelastprotector) - Cadet

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Ghoulina

Publish Date: 12/7/2024 8:52 PM

Featured People: KSI Raze Drake 7, KSI REAPER 7, KSI Cali 7, KSI PurpleHeart, KSI Uppish 7, KSI Spider 7, KSI Viktory 7

Featured Pages: Hall of Fame