Article: KSI Newsletter 11/16/24

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KSI Weekly Newsletter, Saturday November 16th, 2024

T & E

The winner of last weekend's KILL RACE was Viking Horde with 3,307 kills ❗

  • Highest Kills in one game - KSI MGTerminal - 99 Kills
  • Total kills farmed Community-Wide = 15,525
  • Thank you very much to all who participated. Let's give a massive round of applause to our winners!

STAY TUNED The T&E team has much more coming soon:

  • KSI Headhunters: Call of Duty - Form teams by Nov. 13th, Matches start Nov. 16
  • Thanksgiving Round Rush - Time TBD (Thanksgiving Weekend Zombies Round Challenge)

Graphics Team

KSI Graphics Team is currently looking for anyone interested in creating custom artwork for the members of our community! No design experience? No problem! Our knowledgeable team and in-depth tutorials can guide you along the way to creating profile pictures and banners for our community! The KSI Graphics Team is a great way for you to grow your talent and experiences in graphics and have your work showcased in our discord!

What do we do?

We are a group of gamers/creators that work together to create excellent content for our community. This includes anything from custom artwork for our members all the way into media for the events and our social media platforms. Just like any other team, we learn and help each other grow their skill in media and design.

What are the requirements to be on the Media and Design Team?

  • Design experience OR willingness to learn the skill.
  • Must be able to work well with a team.
  • Must be able to give and take constructive criticism.
  • Creativity is an absolute plus!
  • Must have (or be willing to obtain) some effective software (GIMP, Corel, Adobe, PicsArt, Baazart, etc.). There are free programs out there. Photoshop program is NOT required unless it involves Departmental Requests.
  • Participate in team activities and projects (i.e. pfp/banner of the month, feedbacks, etc.).
  • Maintain activity appropriate for your grouping.
  • Complete all requests and projects in a timely manner.

Ready to submit your request?

Christmas Graphic Event starting 11/6/2024-11/30/2024. rules for the event. Christmas/Yule Theme . Server icon size is 512x512. The server banner is 960x540. KSI logo will be provided by the graphics department to those who are participating in the event XiledLOTUS (E-SL) for the logo. no watermarks. needs to look professional. voting results will not be revealed early. will be a single vote for the server icon and a single vote for banners. Date turned in by November 30th 2024 @11:55pm Est.

Please make sure all submissions get sent to XiledLOTUS (E-SL) via discord. This event is open to all members of KSI to participate in with those participating using whatever graphic design software that they want to use. Can either make a server icon, server banner, or both but all submissions need to be sent to XiledLOTUS (E-SL) no later than 11:55PM Est. on 11/30/2024. Voting will happen anonymously by the community on which graphic they think is best. Voting will happen 12/1/2024 - 12/07/2024. The winner or winners will be announced on 12/08/2024 and their image will remain as the server icon and banner for 30 days.

Executive Staff

Remembrance Sunday was held in the United Kingdom this past week as a day to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts.[1] It is held on the second Sunday in November (the Sunday nearest to 11 November, Armistice Day,[2] the anniversary of the end of hostilities in World War I in 1918). Remembrance Sunday, within the Church of England, falls in the liturgical period of Allsaintstide.

Web Ops

As we have grown we have seen a return of an old issue with the VCs so as a reminder for all members old and new, please do not make sleeping VCs on the server. Our VCs are to be utilized so members can hangout and game or be social not to sleep in. If you make a sleeping vc there is the possibility that you will be asked to remove the sleeping vc.

In addition please don't take tempo bots into locked VCs and when you are done using tempo disconnect the bot before leaving the vc so others can use it

Social Media

The Social Media Team is hiring! Applications are open and ready to go! Social Media Team is responsible for the media posts that get put out daily on X and Facebook! We come up with the ideas and content! If you are interested or have questions about the team please reach out to KSI Ghoulina .

Special Shoutouts

I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Starshine122, EasyBakeOven, and Arbitercu on their squad split to create Coven XH! Coven is KSI's first all female squad in several years. We are very grateful to have this opportunity as a division!

A Special Shoutout to an Exceptional Mentor and Friend KSI Don Caesar 7

I want to take a moment to recognize someone we all know and respect— Chef Cos VH 7 . Since my return to KSI, Chef has been a constant source of support, guidance, and encouragement. Whether I needed a mentor, a sounding board for my concerns, or simply a friend to share a laugh with, Chef has been there every step of the way.

Through countless conversations, he’s taught me patience, introduced new perspectives, and helped me grow not only as a leader but as a person. His ability to lead with both wisdom and humility has been inspiring, and I truly believe I wouldn’t be where I am today without his mentorship.

Chef, you’ve not only been a mentor but have also become a lifelong friend. Your impact on my journey in KSI has been invaluable, and I’m excited to see how far you’ll go both here and beyond. Thank you for everything—you’ve made a difference, and I’m grateful for you!

Additionally From KSI SassyKitten VH

Joining KSI has been an incredible journey, and one of the most valuable treasures I’ve found along the way is Chef. He embodies the true spirit of kindness and generosity. No matter the circumstances, he always goes the extra mile to support those around him, even on days when he might be facing challenges of his own. His unwavering dedication and selflessness don’t just make him an exceptional person—they make him a guiding light of positivity for everyone in our community.

If you see Chef today or this weekend, take a moment to tell him one reason he’s made a difference for you. Let’s show him how much his efforts mean to us all.

For the Horde!


Chaos Remnants

  • Kovu- Senior Officer
  • plethora- Senior Officer
  • ogmijog- Officer
  • zee- Officer
  • ninja monkey- Officer
  • pandithin- Officer
  • Luna- Cadet
  • Lady Death- Cadet
  • jokerxjoker- Cadet
  • yani- Cadet

Synthetic Realities

Atomic SR

  • Maacncheez (A) - Cadet
  • stray0666 - Cadet
  • Loka - Officer
  • Drengr - Officer
  • Marcrypsy - Senior Officer
  • Drengr - Officer
  • Buckybarnes - Squad Leader
  • Loka - Officer
  • MaacnCheese - Officer
  • Stray - Cadet
  • RedAntlar - Cadet
  • Bigfxxt WS - Cadet
  • Demonicbeast - Cadet
  • SilverBackOG - Cadet

Bloodline SR

  • ErazzoJaxom - Officer
  • rich_tyb - Squad Leader

Dreadnought SR

  • slayguner - Officer
  • maddog4082 - Officer
  • cheezy2600 - Officer
  • KSI Legion (D) - Officer
  • baked_tohigh - Senior Officer
  • R.I.P. Envy - Senior Officer
  • Sunshine (D) - Cadet
  • generalembers - Cadet

Helix SR

  • zwrk3 - Squad Leader
  • Gandhi x KSI -Cadet
  • ErazzoJaxom - Cadet
  • carGlor (H) - Officer
  • PapaRat (A) - Cadet
  • mvjxstic - Cadet
  • I Maddie K I -Officer
  • khosimersion - Officer
  • JoyfulTitan2656 - Officer
  • rubydadairy - Senior Officer
  • aetherizedd - Cadet
  • spitzular - Cadet

Illuminati SR

  • harrydangler31 - Officer
  • mr rubix - Cadet
  • itzcthulhu - Officer

Legion SR

  • DadsRaging - Squad Leader

Velaris SR

  • littlebit_503 - Cadet
  • lithiea - Officer
  • Oaken96 - Cadet

Twisted Realities

  • TrashPandaGamin- Officer
  • KSI Yoshino- Officer
  • KSI Shatner7- Officer
  • KSI Kanekiisabadass- Officer
  • John_Wick - Officer
  • JulioRulio- Cadet
  • KSI_Opticalreaper121- Senior Officer
  • Rose001- Senior Officer
  • Valiant_Shadows- Cadet
  • Djavegaa- Cadet
  • UnicornKILLZ- Cadet
  • KSI BBug- Cadet
  • GeneralCross69-Cadet

Infinite Anarchy

  • KSI bababooey- Senior Officer
  • Eldritchnight -Officer
  • Ghost-Raven - Officer
  • KSI King Dracula- Cadet
  • KSI -warman- Cadet
  • Eva- Cadet
  • Elxvr- Cadet
  • Jesse James- Cadet
  • KKSI Calpol- Officer
  • ramazvous- Cadet
  • KSI Kezza- Cadet
  • KSI Padderz- Cadet
  • KSIMwaie- Cadet
  • KSI Abyzou- Officer
  • Julsgonzo44-Cadet
  • KSI chant 7- Founder

Viking Horde

  • KSI Ziggy-Officer
  • KSI Mamas - Officer
  • Breezy - Cadet
  • LifeSupport - Cadet
  • Lunaskyward - Cadet
  • SmokinSasuke- Cadet
  • Thunderclaps - Cadet
  • Yuma - Officer
  • Jigglem3nutz - Cadet
  • Queoyz - Cadet
  • FairyGuardian - Cadet
  • Gay Redneck - Cadet
  • Skyz - Senior Officer
  • Luna - Cadet
  • Arrow - Officer
  • Dakeech - Senior Officer
  • QueenFairy - Officer
  • KSI Raine - Squad Leader
  • Ceasons - OFC (edited)

Xiled Horde

  • EQUINOX- Squad Leader
  • LADIEOUTLAW- Senior Officer
  • toji- Senior Officer
  • taz2real- Cadet
  • SOUL88- Cadet
  • BigKrest- Senior Officer
  • Cahps- Senior Officer
  • ThicciMinaj- Officer
  • Froggy- Cadet
  • Spleen- Officer
  • KSI Leo- Officer
  • Raye- Cadet
  • FlapJackRabbit- Cadet
  • Khaos -Officer
  • 2Tiller - Officer
  • Rae diablatoxica - Senior Officer

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Ghoulina

Publish Date: 11/16/2024 5:49 PM

Featured People: KSI MGTerminal, XiledLOTUS, KSI Ghoulina, Chef Cos VH 7, KSI SassyKitten VH, Starshine122, EasyBakeOven, Arbitercu

Featured Pages: Coven XH