Article: KSI Movie Stars - 10 June 2005

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Attention All! Recruiting is taking place now! KSI Movie Stars is a new squad, led by Master Chiefaus, with the aim of creating mechanica movies to be shown on this website and maybe more, in the near future. I will emphisize the fact that if you make a mistake, and delay production, you will be removed from this squad. On a lighter note, your attendance in these movies will be rewarded with your name in the credits. If you wish to be in this squad, to make movies on Halo 2, you must first add "Chefaus" to your friends list with the text name of your squad leader. It is also required that you read the KSI Code. I really look forward to working with some of you, and producing some of the best Mechanica movies around. If you are in this squad, and you are online in an unranked game without a guest, and you recieve an game invite from myself, it is cumplusery. Now, lets make some movies!

[Submitted by Master Chiefaus]

Additional Info

Written by: Master Chiefaus

Publish Date: Friday 10 June 2005 - 04:36:47

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