Article: Is KSI really Setting the Standard?

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This page references a News Article from KSI.


Since the beginning of XBOX Live, Microsoft's marketing for Live was to trash talk other players that you came into contact with. With all the dogging, cursing, as well as trash talking, Live started to get a little on the harsh side. Someone new to XBOX Live would sign on, start playing and get dogged because they weren't as good as some of the other players. Then, slowly, the people that started to get into Live started to leave. The marketing for Live just wasn't working. So Microsoft started a new marketing strategy: Its Fun To Play Together. This was a big twist in the way of online gaming, but not really, because the trash talk and cursing one another still continued.

When I first started Live, I was spoken to like a dog only because I wasn't as good as the players before me. Then something weird happened. For once I got schooled by a player with KSI in front of their screen name. At the end of the match they were like, You're not too bad. You just need to work on this and that. Then he asked me to join KSI, but first I would have to read their Code of Conduct. It was great to see a large group of people that go by this. A large group of people who are more like a community than a clan of online gamers. The people you meet in KSI are mostly nice, but we do have around 800 players, so you might run into a few people that you, personally, will clash with. Since I have been with KSI, I've started to notice a change in the online game play. Gamers you come into contact with ease up on the trash talk which they used to dish out. Most of these people you chat with know KSI in some way or another. So is it the way KSI plays the game, or is it the manners of the KSI members that are starting to change the way of online game play? In my personal opinion, KSI is Setting the Standard.


Additional Info

Written by: KSI Chaser

Publish Date: Wednesday 11 May 2005 - 06:54:15

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