Article: Halo 2 - 20 June 2005

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As everyone knows, there will be a Halo 2 map pack released in a few days. The word on the street is that the favorite map will be Elongation, a remake of the Halo 1 classic, Longest. However, this brings up a much heated subject. I'm sure thousands of fans are wondering: Why doesnt Bungie take the time to produce Hang em High? I spent more time on Hang em High than i did on Blood Gulch, Beaver Creek, or Wizard. I realize they dont think the remake they produced was up to par, but i dont think they knew Lockout would be the most popular map either.

[Submitted by alchemist78]

Additional Info

Written by: alchemist78

Publish Date: Monday 20 June 2005 - 18:30:19

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