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Today I checked out a new game by UBI SOFT which again UBI impressed me with, FarCry! It's a great game with new environments different to Halo 2. NO SMACK TALKING!

I had fun for the first time playing a game, No Modders and Stand Byers as of yet! The game had lots to offer, both peace and fun. As every one knows myself and Halo 2 have never got along much so FarCry is one I will be playing more just to get away for a while. There where a few draw backs to the game, but overall I gave FarCry an 8.5. Read more to get the KSI score.

Draw Backs with scores.

1. Load Time very bad, felt like I was playing PS2, a four minute load time! 5.0

2. If you don’t know single player games, you have to watch intro every time you log in. 2.0

3. No clan systems! Come on did we go back in time or is the game just for fun? 3.0

4. Finding your friends is a bit hard and easy to remove them if not careful! 2.0

5. Vehicles are ok but a little more time could have been put in to them, still a lot fun! 6.0

6. Enemies can take a few more bullets and nades than usual; take them out with a Sword! 7.0

7. The games release date was very bad, could have waited a bit longer. 4.0

Good parts

1. Map editor is Fantastic, the best I have seen for XBOX. 9.9

2. No Scoping makes you feel like a God! 8.0

3. Hang gliding is amazing, swoop down and take out your enemies! 8.5

4. FarCry’s engine is every thing that we wanted it to be, close to PC version. 8.0

5. Head Shots and Double Fragging give you immense power! 8.5

6. Friends and fellow gamers are very chilled out and cool. 9.0

7. The graphics are better than most XBOX games, including Halo2. 9.0

I would recommend checking out FarCry if you played it on the PC, it doesn’t have the graphics but still a fun factor of 8.5 also Peace from smack talkers on Halo 2! Rent it! At the least you will enjoy.

Other games to check out.

Rainbow six Lock down 9.5, best Rainbow yet.

Ghost Recon Summit Strike 9.0, great combat shooter.

For more info and trailers check out


Additional Info

Written by: KSI SEVEN 7, KSI CIBER 7

Publish Date: Friday 07 October 2005 - 05:02:36

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