Article: EXtreme MakeOver: Video Game Edition!

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KSI is full of gorgeous young ladies, the most beautiful on Xbox! I would like to welcome a new addition to the KSI girls, and she is getting a makeover! Lara Croft, with her famous buxom figure, is back in up-coming game Tomb Raider: Legend. Lara is getting toned down a bit, just for a more natural look, we will still be seeing some of her famous figure.

"I didn't want to make her too realistic, because then she lose some of the iconic nature of the character. It seemed to me that it would be good to find a balance between caricature that Lara was and the need to be more realistic, more human. More detail in the anatomy, more detail in the facial features," Gard

[Submitted by KSI Elite]

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Elite

Publish Date: Saturday 09 July 2005 - 09:36:05

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