Brmstone FS

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This page references a squad in KSI.


Squad Eras: 2007-2008

Squad Games: Halo 3

A squad belonging to FireStorm.

Previous Leadership





November 18, 2017

BrmStone Master List Hey BrmStone this is slightly edited but the more uptodate master list will be posted on Canadians important topic on friday

BrmStone Master List

Co-Founder KSI KaLeM/KSI K4L3M- Thats me and im here to get everything organized until where running smoothly. Any questions at this point should be directed to me.

General KSI Gamebeatter- He is second in command and in charge when i am absent.

Major KSI Hustler2701- a general in training. Is to act as the general when he is not present and takes care of all those under him by answering any questions that he can and granting the approval of KSI gamer tags.

Captians KSI Thermalbeast, KSI Spizzo- You need to be my eyes and ears of the lower ranks. You need to talk to the Lieutenants and Sergants about who you think is up for promotion. any minor problems can be solved by using common sense but if your really unsure, ask any of the higher ups (excluding KSI Canadian 7 and KSI MSANDERS 7, they do not need to be bothered with questions that i can easily answer myself)

Lieutenants KSI Duval- so far my only Lieutenant. I need you to keep in touch with the corpoarals and privates and make sure that they are following our code of conduct and keep an eye out for any possible candidates for promotion and let you captains and major know and ultimately me because i need that change to be made on

Sergeant KSI KillerLuke, KSI Zebra- Sergeants just need to enjoy this community and help anyway that they can. Try to stay active on Forums and visit our division website


smackdown0554- Corpoarls are to enjoy this communty and play at a higher level of gameplay when it comes to integrity. Please take part in all KSI has to offer as far as proteams, tournaments and news bulletins are concerned. please dont forget to get on the forums and our division website

Privates Acshalo126

Big D X2k7X

blk santa




hamp knight



wasted skulfire



Yungin Cezz- You guys are new to KSI and how it works and what we do. All privates must do there customary two weeks to see if the KSI community is something that they would be interested in pursuing wether it being a leadership role or jst to meet some new faces. Please feel free to join us in anything you can, we love seeing new people.

BrmStone, we're weak right now and i need you all to step it up a little bit and do some recruiting as we do have a goal we would like to reach. Please co-operate with your leaders and help BrmStone become the best it can be.

End Note KSI is a community of gamers who like to play together. There are no tryouts for any of our squads here in FS and we encourage everyone to play together. Please keep in mind that the leaders of KSI call all their members to a higher level of gameplay when it comes to your integrity and personal beaivor. We are not only here to play but to also work on these qualities should you choose to climb the ranks in ledership. We want you all to keep the KSI code of conduct and the xbox live disclaimer in mind when ever you play and most importantly keep in mind that this is only a game. Your real life is more important then that of your squads and we would also like to stress that all students be in Bed by 11:00 PM in their time zone.