Article: A Very Nice Letter

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This page references a News Article from KSI.


I got this letter from a member the other day and just wanted to show every one this is what The KSI Global Gaming Network is about.

Well let me start this off by saying congrats.

I am new to KSI. I am 21, and was looking for something that was missing in gaming. I could not figure it out until I found Outlaw Star and she showed me personally what you have created. What you have done for me and other people is not only creating KSI but closing the circle of video gaming. Theres only one thing beter than gaming with your friends, and thats gaming with your family.

thank you Seven 7,

KSI Babybuddha

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Babybuddha

Publish Date: Wednesday 29 June 2005 - 10:32:07

Featured People: KSI Outlaw Star, KSI SEVEN 7

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