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This page references a News Article from KSI.


We've recently been bombarded with many new visitors on our site to become part of our KSI family. One question that has been asked several times is, "What squad should I try out for?" This question is important because we want everyone who joins our team to be comfortable and feel like they have made the right decision in joining the right squad. We are now going to step it up a notch, and ask all squad leaders to put in a background information about their individual squads on their forums. The format should be like this:

Squad Name: Squad Leader/Leaders: Active Since: Active Games: (ie: Halo 2, CSX, or any other games that your squad is active in) Total Members To Date: Recruiting? Y/N Recruiting Phase: (ie: tryout consists of...) History: (ie: how did the clan start, who started it, who took over, etc...) Other Information: (ie: ranks, quotes, members, etc...)

After submitting me this information I will post it as a sticky/announcement on your forums. This will make readers get to know each squad and their distinct characteristics that are essential to the KSI family. After all, each division has its own unique attributes and style of how they run things. Please submit this information to me via PM. I will be working on this on an occasional basis, editing and updating daily. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know as well. Thank you for your cooperation and your QUICK response.

-KSI Outlaw Star

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Outlaw Star

Publish Date: Friday 17 June 2005 - 19:16:39

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