Article: A Female Perspective

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Guys are so typical. You go into matchmaking with a group of friends, while your the only female, or you are with all your gamer girls. The first thing guys think when they hear your voice is that you are a prepubescent boy. Ask any girl who goes into matchmaking. They have all heard something along the lines of “We’re playing little kids!” “Isn’t it past your bed time?” and “How old are you son?” I guess the only humorous or sick part about it, is when they find out you aren’t a little kid. That you are female, and they start coming onto you! Now doesn’t that just seem a little pedophilic? Personally, I just love after I am trash talked to death and then they find out I am a girl, they attempt to SPAM me with friend requests after the games ends. Seriously guys, learn some manners or how to mute your microphones!

[Submitted by KSI VOGU3]

Additional Info

Written by: KSI VOGU3

Publish Date: Friday 14 October 2005 - 01:10:08

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