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This page references a News Article from KSI.


Welcome to the world of KSI where drama is a hot topic. Lots of folks say there is to much drama with in KSI, yet every one keeps signing back on to see what has happend since the last time they where on. Even the members who leave cant get enough of the fun. So what has happend is they continue to try to get back in so that thay can make more drama. The part these people do not understand is, its all a show and thats what we do. In KSI we are the best at giving members a community where they can live As The XBOX LIVE World Turns, we dont waste time sugar coating our problems. We love to hear someone say \\\"There is too much Drama in KSI\\\" , then the very next time we see them they are caught up in some of the very thing they where just crying about. It tells us we are doing our job & well.

Take a look at KSI from the outside We have over 1400 members and 7 web sites we know we are doing great. Thank You to all our fans and the haters of KSI for making My self and a few others Famous. But most of all we would like to think Mr. Bill Gates for giving us the greatest system on earth and also the unique oppurtunity to become the biggest and the best gaming community along side of XBOX LIVE.

By KSI NATAS 7 Creator of The KSI Global Gamiing Network

Additional Info

Written by: KSI NATAS 7

Publish Date: Friday 08 July 2005 - 00:46:33

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