7s Award History

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The "7 Suffix"
General Information
Name:7s Award
Community Info
Other Notes:(Exclusive Award) Exemplary Dedication and Leadership to KSI. Worn at the end of Gamertag or Display name.
Current Status:Active Award

The Origin and Significance of the "7" in KSI[edit | edit source]

  • The Founding of KSI

KSI Global was founded in 2002 during the hayday of Unreal Championship, in a time when small clans were prevalent but none matched the ambition of KSI. Its origins can be traced back to a modest clan known as MFG, where the core founders frequently gathered on the premier No Auto Aim (NOAA) server called "Killingservice7." This popular server was owned and maintained by KSI DEADMEAT 7, who managed it thanks to his adaptable work schedule.

Seeing the potential for a more cohesive and organized community, KSI DEADMEAT 7, along with two other members, KSI NATAS 7 and KSI SYRUS 7, took the initiative to establish a new clan. They chose the name KSI, inspired by the server’s title, and added “Incorporated” (INC.) to convey the plan for a formal and structured organization. Thus, KSI Global was born, setting the stage for its future success and growth in the gaming community.

  • The "7 Suffix"

The "7" suffix holds a special place in KSI’s history and culture. It originated from the server name "Killingservice7" and became a symbol of high achievement within the community. Founders like NATAS, known as KSI SE7EN 7, and other original members made the "7" a significant milestone for those who contributed greatly to the community.

  • Significance of the "7" Today

Earning a "7" in KSI is not just an accolade but a representation of one's dedication, leadership, and impact on the community. It signifies that a member has reached a level of excellence and has embodied the values of Knowledge, Strength, and Integrity. The "7" is a prestigious milestone, reserved for those who have made substantial contributions and have demonstrated outstanding commitment to KSI’s mission and values.

  • Legacy and Continuity

The legacy of the "7" continues to inspire current and future members of KSI. It connects the present community with its founders and the rich history that began on the "Killingservice7" server. The "7" is a reminder of KSI’s origins and the journey from a small clan to a thriving global community.

The Importance of The "7 Suffix"[edit | edit source]

"The History of 7" Image from KSI New Blue 7's Interview with KSI SE7EN 7.

The "7" award and suffix is a significant and revered part of KSI's culture and history, representing over two decades of community legacy. It is not just a mark of leadership but a symbol of exceptional service, dedication, and embodiment of KSI's values. The process to earn a "7" is rigorous, involving a thorough review by Directors and the Executive Staff to ensure only those who truly exemplify KSI's standards receive it. This maintains the integrity and honor of the "7," reinforcing its importance as a role model for future leaders. Additionally, the respect for those who previously earned the "7" underscores the deep appreciation for past contributions, ensuring that the rich history of KSI is honored and preserved. The "7" symbolizes the highest level of commitment and excellence within KSI, making it a cornerstone of the community’s identity and a vital part of its enduring legacy.

7s Policy[edit | edit source]

At the rank of Co-Founder, the Director(s) will look over the candidate qualification to decide if they feel at this time a “7” is warranted for the member. Upon Unanimous decision (or if only one Director is Active) the Director will send the nomination to the Senior Director (If no Senior Director, simply the Director) will create a Proposal to the Executive Staff for vote on the awarding of the “7”.

Eligibility for Earning a “7”[edit | edit source]

  • Rank of Founder in Clan Ops OR position of Supervisor in other Departments
  • Achieving rank of Founder will result in automatic nomination and review
  • Minimum of 3 Months within KSI with no negative remarks
  • Successful Squad Split OR Successful area within your department
  • Exudes the KSI acronym and is a role model for future 7s to aspire towards.

Recognizing 7s status[edit | edit source]

KSI Global recognizes all 7s from KSI (.org), KSI United, and Killjoy Network prior to 2022. This notably does not include KSI.pro.

Revoking a 7[edit | edit source]

In exceedingly rare circumstances an individual may be stripped of their right to a 7. The Executive Staff handles these cases. Examples of reasons a 7 may be removed are: intentionally causing harm to another member’s self or property, being disgracefully removed from a position of authority, or acts unbecoming of a 7.

Former 7's | Members wearing “7” not at Required Rank[edit | edit source]

You may see members who hold a “7” but are not of the rank required. These are typically returning or retired members of the community who have been granted permission to place the “7” back in their name. They are typically considered the “old guard” of sorts. They are to be respected and appreciated for their previous service, but they are not owed a previously held rank at any level.

  • Members who have joined and earned their “7” from any other branch of KSI are recognized as “7” upon verification if earned prior to 2022.
  • Members who have joined and earned their “7” from Killjoy Network (KN) prior to 2022 (Dec 31, 2021 and previous) are recognized as “7” upon verification.

The Hall of 7s[edit | edit source]

In the main KSI Global Discord Server, members who have verified 7s status will have the "7s" role. Those members and those who also might have the Hall of Fame role are able to see a channel called #hall-of-7s and the 🔊7s LOBBY voice channel. The Hall of 7s opened up as an idea by KSI Mizz Airy 7 after she rejoined KSI in 2019 for the Wiki Team. The KSI discord server at the time did not have a guest section but would make special exceptions for some former leaders to be inside the server. Some of those leaders included KSI SHANK 7, KSI Anatomy 7, and KSI JOHNSON 7. On the other hand, also around this time, KSI New Blue was actively trying to get a hold of more 7s to rejoin KSI. Instead of being picky and deciding who to or not to let into the server, the Hall of 7s was created. Some of the first 7s who joined back in included KSI Bulltrue 7, KSI MSNAUGHTY 7, KSI Sungazer 7, and KSI Ragnaroks 7 among others. As of August 2024, the Hall of 7s contains over 200 current and retired 7s.

A look at the average conversations inside the Hall of 7s channel

Members not meeting “7” criteria[edit | edit source]

When changing your gamertag/PSN ID/Steam ID, it is your responsibility to understand the above policy. If you add a “7” to it and do not meet the requirements, you will be asked to change your game ID to remove the “7”, at your expense. Should you choose not to, you may be subject to removal.

7s Audio Information Link[edit | edit source]

Please Click HERE to listen to the Audio Monologue of Section 2. The Importance of the "7 Suffix"

Or visit the Link below.


KSI SE7EN 7 Interview on "The History of 7 in KSI"[edit | edit source]

Author and Interviewer: KSI New Blue 7

"What's the deal with 7?' is the question I asked myself when I joined in February this year. I asked Ghost Rider2115, a recruit from Azrael, for a guess as to why certain members have a 7 at the end of their Gamertag. "Maybe that's how major games they've won?"
While it's a solid guess considering we are a gaming community, its not close at all. I then reached out to KSI Copper 7. the Founder of Fallen Angels, for his opinion. "It just shows that you have reached a high enough rank in KSI and you have earned it."
So who was the first 7? And when did the tradition start? I knew these were going to be hard answers to get, but there was one place I know I could go, right to KSI SE7EN 7.

The following is a Transcript of KSI New Blue 7 interview with KSI SE7EN 7[edit | edit source]


"Well first off, thank you so much for your time. Not every member gets the opportunity to speak with the creator."


"No problem thanks for the interview"


"So where Did the idea to add a 7 to the end of a person's Gamertag Originate?"


"We all met on Unreal Championship. Back during that time, someone had to host a server for gamers to play on. Killingservice7 aka KSI Dead Meat 7 worked a lot, so he would leave his box on while he was gone."

"Myself and KSI SYRUS 7 approached him and we started to talk about building a clan and it was important for us to keep the community name as close to the server name so that we could recruit."

Killing Service Incorporated was born, and the 7 has always been a symbol of Leadership for generals and up."


"After 16 years of KSI, there have been hundreds of members that have earner the 7 in their names. Is there anything you want to tell these people?"


"Thank you all no matter where you are for the hours and hard work. Although at times, as trying as it may have been, you all earned that 7."


"What is some advice you want to give to those wanting to move up the ranks earn their 7?"


"Make sure you have great leadership under your guidance and build your division as large as you can. It is one of the most awesome feelings in the world to have a large operation this is well oiled and fine-tuned."

  • This concludes the portion where he would discuss "The History of 7 in KSI"

More 7's Info[edit | edit source]

Historical and Cultural Significance

  • Legacy: The "7" is deeply embedded in KSI's history, symbolizing over 20 years of community development and leadership. It connects current members to the legacy of those who have built and sustained KSI.
  • Tradition: Maintaining the tradition of the "7" fosters a sense of continuity and respect for the past. It honors the contributions of previous leaders while inspiring current and future members to strive for excellence.

Recognition of Achievement

  • Merit-Based: The process to earn a "7" is rigorous and merit-based, ensuring that only the most deserving members receive this honor. This includes meeting specific criteria such as rank, successful squad leadership, and a track record of positive contributions.
  • Validation: Receiving a "7" validates a member’s hard work, sacrifice, and impact on the community. It is a formal acknowledgment of their efforts and accomplishments.

Community Impact

  • Leadership Quality: By holding leaders to a high standard, the "7" ensures that KSI's leadership remains strong, capable, and dedicated to the community's growth and well-being.
  • Motivation: The aspiration to earn a "7" motivates members to improve themselves and contribute positively to the community. It creates a culture of ambition and continuous improvement.

Personal Development

  • Skill Enhancement: The journey to earn a "7" involves developing various skills such as leadership, communication, and strategic thinking. It fosters personal growth and professional development.
  • Responsibility and Accountability: Earning a "7" comes with the responsibility to uphold KSI's standards and mentor others. It instills a sense of accountability and stewardship in the awardees.

Respected Recognition

  • Community-Wide Respect: Members who earn a "7" gain respect and recognition across the entire KSI community. Their achievements are celebrated, and they are looked up to as examples of what can be achieved through dedication and hard work.
  • Historic Connection: The "7" also connects current members with the "old guard" or returning members who have previously earned the "7", fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared history.

Earning a "7" in KSI is a multifaceted achievement that signifies exceptional leadership, acknowledges significant contributions, preserves the community's rich history, and motivates members to uphold the highest standards of excellence. It is a vital part of KSI's culture, ensuring that the values and traditions of the community are carried forward by capable and dedicated leaders.

This page on the 7s Award was created with significant contributions from KSI New Blue 7 and KSI FORTY 7.