Requiem EO

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This page references a squad in KSI.

A squad belonging to Endless Onslaught.

Requiem EO
General Information
Other Info: Call of Duty Squad
Community Info
Current Status:Active

Squad info[edit | edit source]

Split from Dreadnought CR on 9/16/2023 as KSI DC 77 successfully assumed the position of Squad Leader. As the days went by KSI Anarchy was promoted to Squad Leader due to KSI DC 77 being promoted to Co-Founder over Kyber CR and Requiem CR after a meeting was called and he was evaluated for his successes. As the squad thrived attendance, recruiting and morale was at a low point.

During this interim KSI Heroiism 7 was promoted to to Squad Leader to attempt to revive the squad as KSI Anarchy had to step down for personal reasons.

On December 26th 2023 Requiem successfully turned the squad around since KSI Heroiism 7 was promoted to Squad Leader and split. Promoting KSI Oaken96 who was the next successor in the line of duty to Squad Leader.

On December 30th 2023 Chaos Remnants successfully split to create Endless Onslaught in which Requiem CR was a selected squad to transferred over to the new division Requiem EO.

Previous Squad Information[edit | edit source]

Previous Squad Leaders
Order: Alias: Dates: Reason:
5th SL Boberticuss 5/26/24 Promoted
4th SL KSI Oaken96
3rd SL KSI Heroiism 7 11/04/23 - 12/26/23 Promoted
2nd SL KSI Anarchy2899 10/07/23 - 11/04/23 Promoted
1st SL KSI DC 77 09/15/23 - 10/07/23 Split